Wednesday, August 26, 2015

20 Things I've Learned In College

1. First impressions are often wrong.

2. You should probably finish your reading instead of binge-watching Arrested Development.

3. Conversely, if you've gotten your homework done, totally binge-watch. It's good for the soul.

4. Usually when the professor says "This isn't something you can do the night before," they're actually right.

5. A lot of the clichéd advice you get is really valuable. (i.e. "get involved!" "get sleep!" "don't date first semester!")

6. If you haven't found the kind of friend group you're looking for, keep trying and give it time. I didn't find them until second semester was almost over.

7. God wants to teach you things.

8. In order for God to teach you things, you have to spend time with Him. Which takes effort.

9. Biology

10. Having to switch your class schedule around isn't the end of the world.

11. Be careful with your money.

12. Getting good grades requires more effort than it did in high school.

13. Grades are important, but they aren't everything (they're not going to go on your resume).

14. Freshmen, get to know the upperclassmen. Upperclassmen (or anyone who's not a freshman), get to know the freshmen. Don't make fun of them and don't write them off.

15. Wax paper is not the same as parchment paper. And wax paper should not go in the oven.

16. Coffee is your friend. It wants to help you. Embrace it.

17. Always carry gum.

18. Don't be afraid to be afraid. The end of your comfort zone is the beginning of growth.

19. Be present. You miss a lot when you aren't.

20. Give charitable judgement.

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