Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Year in Review

November-ish, 2013: While sitting in the kitchen doing homework, mom brought up the subject college (again) and I decided to attend Asbury University.

May 2014: I graduated high school.

August 12, 2014: I began New Student Orientation at Asbury.

May 7, 2015: I finished my last final of Freshman year and officially became a Sophomore.

This is the shortest possible overview of the last year or so of my life. It was probably the most change-filled year of my entire life and if you know me well, you'll know that change freaks me out. A lot. I don't even like it when my plans for the night change so moving away from home is a really big deal. 

Last semester I tried to pretend I had it together. I was figuring things out, making friends, trying not to look as dumb as I felt. Toward the end of the semester, I even felt like I was sort of getting it together and starting to feel comfortable with my new place in life. I had friends, my grades were good, and I felt a little less homesick all the time like I did in late October-early November. 

When Spring semester rolled around I had no idea how much harder things were going to become for a little while, and how much better that would eventually make my life. January was pretty rough. I was dealing with the consequences of mismanaging some of my funds, trying to figure out what made a friend a friend, and struggling to become my own person without worrying about what people thought of me. 

But as I had no other choice, I sat through the awfulness of it all and I tried to let God's will influence my life. This semester I've seen more growth in my life than all of high school put together. I have made so many wonderful new friends, and learned so much about myself. I have learned what I want in a church body, and what I want in my friends, and what I want from myself. I have learned some of the ways I work best, and what I need to do to avoid procrastination, and I'm still working on how to not let Netflix auto-load the next episode when I should be studying. 

I feel like the past nine months of being at school have been an entire lifetime, and yet also it seems like it's gone by way too fast. And next year I have so many things to look forward to that are exciting and terrifying, like being a TAG leader and directing Sophomore Musical and not being the new kid on the block anymore.

So that's my sappy overview of my first year of college. Basically I'm just really really excited I get three more years there.


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